By Ranjeet

Greenwich  Energy Company Profile and News

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BioVie (NASDAQ: BIVI), a biotechnology company in clinical development, saw a 16.5% drop in share price at midday trading on Tuesday.

After Monday's market closing, the firm focused on medicines to address chronic disabling illnesses announced phase 2 trial findings for its lead drug.

NE310 7, for the treatment of dementia and PD. The decline in the stock price this year has been greater than 17%.

The decline caught several people by surprise, given the generally upbeat tone of the study updates.

Combining NE3107 with levodopa improved motor scores in the study for Parkinson's disease by three points over those reported in patients receiving levodopa alone.

In patients under the age of 70 with Parkinson's, the therapy resulted in a statistically significant improvement of 6 points.

It's interesting that the business released another statement on Tuesday, saying that biomarkers of aging-related disease have been improved in Alzheimer's patients after treatment with NE3107.

With only 45 Parkinson's patients and 22 Alzheimer's patients in the sample, it's likely that analysts who examined the data felt the improvement patients demonstrated was too tiny to warrant further investigation.

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